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  • Writer's pictureThe_Evercrafter

square-cut or pear shaped these rocks don't lose their shape,Diamonds are a girl's best friend

Updated: Apr 6, 2019

A knod to the great Moulin Rouge.

Ombre Tree Oh ombre tree..

Pink ombre.

One of the original flockers got me this great pink ombre tree for Christmas this past year and I knew it would make an incredible Valentine's Tree. I toyed with a few ideas including Marie Antoinette, Queen of Hearts, and one I was calling Stupid Cupid but I couldn't decide so I started decorating with the items I knew would work with the themes I have been thinking of. It wasn't until I pulled out a box that had some oversized diamond ornaments in them that I realized what the "them" would be. The picture below shows 3 of those ornaments as well as a Rhinestone Tiara.

I also added in some great Gold Elephants and Angel faces that reminded me of Satine's room and the theater. Here are a few more close-ups of the tree and all of the different ornaments and things that were used.

Put a Ring on it!

Finding a great Tree topper...

I love an over the top tree topper. When thinking about Moulin Rouge my mind goes to the greatness of Satine and her opening number of the movie. Remember when they give her the big box with the beautiful necklace in it while she is singing "Diamonds are a Girls Best friend".. well that would be my inspiration. Where does one buy an oversized diamond ring and an oversized box to put it in? As for the ring, the answer is Dollar Tree and for the box, you don't find it you just make it... Yes I found what was almost big enough to wear as a bracelet but it looked like a big Diamond ring. The box would be a bit harder. I got two hard cardboard gift boxes, styrofoam, and a black dishrag and started making my big ring box.


one can never have to many picks!

I love picks. They can fill in a hole, add sparkle and texture and they can add dramatics. I normally put my picks in clusters around my ribbon areas first then proceed to put them in every other location that can hold them in place. I also like to use different types of picks, ones that hang, ones that stand, ones that curl and those that are small.

The final scene.

From bottom to the top.

I sometimes look at things from different angles to see if i notice things I hadn't before. For this last picture of the tree I decided to lay on the ground and shoot the tree from bottom to top. I love the look of it but the unicorn looks like he is about to charge me, and ram me with his big horn lol.

I hope some of this has helped you think of some ideas for doing your own Valentine's Tree. If you do be sure and tag me so I can show the world how talented my Flock is.

LIve Happily evercrafter

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